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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Promise me

I will not allow anyone to take me for granted.

I will never forget how important I am to Me.

I will never underestimate me.

I will not allow anyone to hurt me beyond repair.

I will let go of the past, because the past is never gonna happen again. It’s over. It’s gone.

I will live in the present only. The future’s too far off and too unpredictable to depend on.

I will learn how to say No.

I will never say no to love. Love is the only healing power.

I will never depend entirely on anyone, except God and me. I know together we’re an awesome team.

I will value every smile I smile.

I will never waste my tears. I’ve learnt how precious they are and how irresponsibly I’ve used them.

I will thank the Universe for everything that it’s given me. The good and the Bad. It’s me who’s asked for them, and the universe has given it.

I will not blame anyone else for my pain. I allowed myself to hurt.

I will never break a promise. I’ve experienced the pain of broken promises.

I will do whatever makes me happy. If the world doesn’t like it, too bad. It’s my life, not theirs.

I will be a Princess. And I will have a Happily Ever After with my Prince.

1 comment:

Varad More said...

You are a princess gorgeous.
Nice thoughts.

God bless ya. have fun in the Aussie-land and stay in touch. cheers