Life, as I knew it, changed as the plane landed in Brisbane. This little girl grew up.
There was no Mom to put up with my tantrums; no Dad to raise a brow at my skimpy dresses; no Ankeeta to doll up and party with; no bitching partners – Ankee and Chanda and Booby and Priya and Amrita and Shalina to have a session with; no Mowgli to hug and sleep with; no Neerav to love, hug, fight with and kiss.
There was no car to drive; no extra money to splurge; no job; no absolutely fantastic colleagues; no sign of anything remotely PUNE!
But, I’ve survived. I’ve matured. I’ve learnt. And, I’ve managed just fine.
- I live with the BEST Ozzie family in town. They love me, I love them.
- I’ve made new friends. Some crazy, some sane.
- I’ve learnt how to clean my room, do my laundry, and cook a bit (just a bit :P).
- I’ve learnt how to live without the car. Yes, I’ve learnt how to walk!
- I’ve started attending college. Finally, I’m experiencing the life of a student!
- I’ve realised the value of money! Yes, I’m still jobless and quite broke.
- I’ve understood the importance of keeping in touch with friends!
- I’ve realised what true love is and I feel amazingly lucky to have felt it.
- I’ve learnt that love hurts only if you let it, so now I love without expecting it back; I love without wanting to own; I love only because I want to love.
But more than all this,
Coming here to the Gold Coast, living the life of an international student, and understanding the different culture, has made me realise one important thing:
That I’m blessed.
Blessed because I have wonderful parents, who I know, will do anything to see me smile; Blessed because I have friends, who, though so far away, still care so bloody much; Blessed because I have a family to go back to; and Blessed because I know the One up there is with me through every step I take, every smile I smile, every tear I cry and every breath I breathe.
Blessed because I value Life more – what I had, what I have and what I can have.
And, Blessed because I know I’m on the right path, chasing my dreams.
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