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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Morning mourning

It’s 4 in the afternoon. I’m rubbing my sleepy lids and my lenses are drooping with a jarring heaviness about them. I’m cursing myself for leaving the balcony door ajar before I plunged into bed last night. The morning rays trickled in, at an unearthly hour, woke me up and made me squint at my surroundings. I muttered something under my breath, pushed aside the cozy quilt and did a zombie walk to the troublemaker door to bang it shut.
Why did God make mornings, I wonder. Why couldn’t there be a long, sleepy night, which unfolds into a bright and lazy afternoon? I’ve asked HIM this question on countless occasions – when my school rickshawalla would sound that nagging, hissing-cum-buzzing, horn, and I would rush down, breakfast in one hand, and a couple of books in the other; or then, the time when I was handed the college timetable – First Lecture – 7 am. Have they lost it, I cursed. And, I thought college was supposed to be fun. HMPH. ‘Fun at 7 am’ – that falls into the ‘impossible’ slot in my list. Then, came work, and I remember my boss laughingly handing me an assignment for 8 am, knowing just how much I abhor waking up early. How do I work if my mind’s still tucked in snugly under the quilt?
I’m just not a morning person. If you ask me what’s more beautiful – sunrise or sunset, I’d jump onto the second. Of course, it’s a different issue that I don’t remember seeing sunrise :P…!
But, seriously, evenings and nights are so much prettier. The pluses - I get off work in the evening, enjoy a sumptuous dinner at home or at a favourite restaurant, head to a nightspot or drive around, and then cuddle up with my doggie and sleep. Perfect, no?
Mornings, on the other hand, always bring a picture of being dragged out of bed, picking a set of boring clothes to wear to work, and then driving through the mad traffic to reach office. It’s not that I don’t like work – I wouldn’t be doin it if I didn’t love it – it’s just that lazing around in bed scores a one-up on that!
It’s 4.45 pm now. I’ve dozed off in bits and pieces while writing this. Had it not been for the blasted mornings, I would have keyboarded a more positive piece…
Gawd, I hate them early mornings.


Teardrops And Rain... said...

well done nups..


really like this.. will keep it in my bookmarks..

good luck with the blog..


Sonia Jaisin said...

Very Nice!!!!! Who likes early morning?? even i think that the evening and nights are more interesting and misterious!!!! .........but life's like that.. we have to wake up early!! but saturday sundays i try sleepin as a baby...... love sleeeeeeeeepingggggggg zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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